Our PRODUCT is a share of high quality, AEROPONICALLY GROWN HEIRLOOM PRODUCE ITEMS harvested & distributed to subscription customers every week, year-round.
On a weekly cycle using aeroponic farming technology, Harvest Nation’s farm has 52 harvests in a year.
We call our product a Harvest Share.

After years of research, our team has identified over 40 heirloom organic seed selections to provide high-quality produce. Our first farm is offering staple produce items identified as desirable by our local customer base. As Harvest Nation grows, we are engaged in R&D to provide more and more variety to meet the demand of an expanding global market.
Harvest Nation’s produce items are the cleanest on the market using unaltered heirloom, non-GMO seeds.
Our seeds are sourced from farms that
are USDA Certified Organic.

Our CUSTOMERS are Individuals
and Families, Restaurants, and

On weekly production & delivery cycles, individuals and families receive 12-15 produce items for about $40/week. As a CSA farm, we can accept EBT/SNAP.

Harvest Nation’s system can accommodate a large variety of crop selections, including and in no way limited to black Kabuli chickpeas, blue potatoes, purple carrots, edamame, herbs, and micro-greens for any foodie attracted to exotic cuisine. If you’re a chef and would like us to grow something special for you, please reach out, and we’ll see what we can do!

With Farm to School programs on the rise and the Food Rx boxes proving successful in the US, Harvest Nation’s potential to feed our institutions with locally-grown quality produce is a community economic stabilizer.

Harvest Nation is aligned with the
pillars of the FOOD SOVEREIGNTY
Movement. For that reason, our
farm offers OUTREACH and
EDUCATION for food system
engagement and improvement.
Our farm is here to serve communities that have experienced the same
disenfranchisement from food as we have. The Harvest Nation Team is dedicated to making positive changes in the lives of individuals and the communities we live in. Need some help getting started in eating fresh and local for you and your family? Call on us. Or maybe your organization has room for improvement to support a healthier food system? Let’s talk and see how we can partner.

Eating a nourishing diet full of fresh foods has become less commonplace with lots of overly-processed, packaged convenience meal and snack options on the market. Transitioning from these can be hard to do without nutritional knowledge and some super handy food prep skills with delicious recipes. Harvest Nation offers delicious recipes with every farm share to make healthy eating fun for the whole family
while reducing food waste.
Food shouldn’t have to travel more than we get to. Conventional agriculture needs many changes, and one thing we can work on together is localizing food production and consumption so that it’s more accountable to us, the consumers. Team up with Harvest Nation on lobbying for policy changes in favor of local food!